“Your beauty is already constructed inside.“
It is very common to find each individual acting based on the influence of whatever they have on them, as an outcome of the whole civilisation process. It requires a unique method of self reflecting to come out of this bondage of any such influences and to act based on your true self. This creates a possibility of joyful living and a healthy life.
So this possibility is explored in this One day’s programme of Manvantara.
Through this day programme, you will find a new door getting opened for a new way of life. Even the take home practice will bring a revolutionary change within yourself. It will be an authentic shift from who you are to what you can be. Through this program you will be guided to break your several patterns and conditions. A positive happy person will be the outcome of the programme.
Timing : 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, participants are suggested to come without breakfast so that you can experience the Yogic way of eating two meals in a day.
The daily schedule contains:
- Kriya to energize your self expression by creating proper alignment between body breath and mind
- Life Skills
- Pranayama
- Sattvic food (Breakfast is provided at 10:45 am, Ayurvedic Drink at 2:15 pm, Dinner at 4:45 pm)
- Meditation in the banks of the river
- Celebration
- Self Awareness discourse
11:15 – Brunch (Sattvic Food along with green salads)
2:45 – Ayurvedic Drink + Fruit
5:15 pm– Dinner (Sattvic)
All Yoga Gita’s programmes are designed from the background to evolve and flourish the true Self. Manvantara offers you a great opportunity for a real life change!
We welcome anyone to study, experience and learn with us. No prerequisite needed. Manvantara programme can be attended by teenagers from the age of 12 onwards.
- Liberating from mental, physical, emotional and pranic blockages
- Getting clarity about what life is
- Developing a smile at tension and stresses of daily life
- Developing the skill of building healthy relationships
- Improving the quality of family life
- A state of mind which is prepared for better interactions
- How to go through a difficult situation with triumph
- Understanding and adopting a healthy lifestyle
The Manvantara programme could be attended any time.
Please contact us for convenient moments for you. Feel free to reach out to us for details through info@yogagita.org / +91 9482300820.
Mode of Delivery : Offline Residential – One day workshop
Periodicity: Any time of the year
The fees for the Manvantara programme come as ₹ 1,500 / Day | € 30 / Day | $ 35 / Day.
This includes the food: Two wholesome, vegetarian and healthy meals per day. Consisting of freshly made sattvic food with mainly vegetables and pulses from our organic garden. Participants are suggested to come without breakfast so that you can experience the yogic way of eating two meals in a day.
Drinks : A refreshing juice is served in the afternoon.