• Feeling more alive
  • More vitality
  • Building the immune system for stronger resistance for any kind of disease
  • Creating a strong connection with Prana – Life energy
  • Taking out the holdings, tension, stress from the physical body
  • Exploring the mindspace to bring true understanding of life
  • Physical, mental, pranic detoxification
  • Rediscovering yourself from any angle


What is Pancha Kosha? Pancha means five and Kosha means sheaths. This Pancha Kosha Retreat has a holistic approach to rejuvenate and detox you at all the 5 layers of your Self-expression. The Pancha Kosha Retreat can be considered as a process which has a deeper and longer lasting effect than a Panchakarma detox, which mainly works at the body level only.

In life, you may meet many people, but you may end up not meeting your own Self. Very rarely someone gets to know oneself at all the 5 layers of existence (Pancha Kosha); body, breath, mind, wisdom and soul.

Experiencing your Self at the 5 layers, is the base for the highest detoxification and rejuvenation process possible. This is also the key towards resolving any health issues, being efficient in day to day life and evolving in the journey of life.

Previous knowledge of Yoga is not required; willingness to detox, rejuvenate and meet your Self is sufficient. As a result of this retreat you will develop the strength to act in the action world in a very efficient way.