Sage ViGo

The heart of Yoga Gita, founder and main teacher

We - Go to

To sage vigo ...

Sage Vigo (Vijay Gopala) is a realized soul who can guide you to connect with the true self and can put you in a right track with the purpose of your life. We all have questions like … Why all the happenings are happening ?  What is your role in all this happenings ? As a living human being  what can you be ? and who are you actually ? What is stopping you from exploring the infinite potentiality of your Self ?

What is at the source that is expressing all the happenings and why ? Can you be that source itself  ?

A profound understanding about such questions can give true meaning to life. This meaningful expression of life brings the contentment of living.  And this contentment is love. If you can touch every moment and everything in life through this love and oneness, it indicates the state of your self-realization and is the key to the evolution of human consciousness on this planet.                                                         

Ability to be the beingness of the source itself is a magical touch which brings the dimension of smooth unfolding of crucial aspects of life such as your health, relationships, workplace behavior, life situations, materialistic prosperity, and the ultimate purpose for Self-realization. This results in facilitating the right direction in life from the perspective of the totality of existence. You can touch this truth and transform your Self through the teachings of Sage ViGo. To study and practice his teachings under his guidance is many lifetimes great opportunity.



Sage ViGo has established an Ashram next to the river Cauvery in Srirangapatna, near Mysore, south India. This ashram is in a serene atmosphere suitable for conveying this real need of the life journey. Apart from receiving guidance from a very young age by his father, Sage ViGo pursued academic exposure by completing his two Master’s degrees one in Philosophy and  the other in Yoga. On his path of sadhana (the journey of Self-realization), Sage ViGo has been in contact with many realized souls, sages, and the reality of life. He has traveled globally to many countries to spread this touch of truth.



When it comes to the beauty of Sage ViGo’s teachings is that the serene ancient knowledge is so perfectly contemporarised that they align with scientific discoveries and research in the modern world. Listening to him is not just about gathering information  instead you will be exposed to your own self. During his teachings you will amazingly discover that the truth is within you and you are recognizing it as your own.  Hence you feel so familiar and one with his teachings you will find it not as an external implementation or someone else’s knowledge but it is you and within you. ViGo is the scientist of Consciousness and the magical teachings of Sage ViGo arise and touches you from the dimension of finding and knowing your own Self.


Under his teachings, the practices you engage  on the mat are  direct application of the timeless wisdom of great Yogis. The present day human beings miss this vital link between the profound philosophies found in ancient texts and their real-world application while practicing on the mat and in daily life actions.  In trying to fill this void, many turn to effort oriented asana series , instead of practicing asana in the direction of cessation of effort.  Unfortunately practitioners are made to enter illusions, imaginations, rituals, dogmas, and other fruitless directions. Through VIGO’s teachings, you can walk in the path of truth, free from these futile attempts. This shine of the truth beyond all these deviating misguiding products available in the market, is a game-changing  phenomena for your Self in particular and the whole of the humanity in general. In fact, it is the responsibility of all of us to join hands in uplifting human consciousness by walking this rarely available path of truth.


If, by chance the teachings of Sage ViGo are missed  it will be a missed opportunity for your  Self and humanity.  Come and embrace your self.