

Connect and be part of the third edition of our online Yoga week in celebration of the International Day of Yoga (21 June).

  • Explore a variety of Yoga practices, and different dimensions of the science of consciousness.
  • Learn online from Yoga Gita teachers without leaving your home, participating from wherever you are.
  • Experience profound insights of Sage ViGo in Satsang, that will mark the beginning and end of this week. 

Why to attend?

Why to attend the online week with Yoga Gita?


  • Explore the depth of Yoga postures: Discover how Yoga postures can enhance your health and quality of life.
  • Expressiveness through pranayama: Experience increased well-being and peace of mind through pranayama practice.
  • Achieve mental clarity with meditation: Connect to your Self in meditation to enjoy mental clarity and make better decisions.
  • Calm your mind with chanting: Refresh your mind through the pure vibrations of sound during our chanting sessions.
  • Be with the truth in Satsang: Merge deeper into the meaning of life, and connect to the true Self. In Satsang sessions with Sage ViGo, you have the opportunity to ask questions related to Yoga or life in general.

Week and Day Schedule

Each day a unique theme to enrich your practice.


DAY 1 - June 21: Health

Optimise your health and well-being through a holistic Yoga practice, including the five layers of the Self: body, energy, mind, wisdom, and soul. A healthy body is a natural by-product of knowing deeper dimensions of life.


DAY 2 - June 22 : Know thyself

Cultivate a profound understanding of who you are, guided by the timeless & universal maxim “know thyself”, originating from the ancient Greek philosophers. Apply Self-reflection and expand your awareness on the journey of knowing the true Self.


DAY 3 - June 23 : The science of consciousness

Discover the essence of Yoga, which is about unfolding the consciousness and exploring the possibilities beyond sense perception. And clearly see the interconnection between your level of awareness and the way you perceive things.


DAY 4 - June 24 : Being easy in reality

Embrace the complexities of life with resilience and adaptability, constantly living life in a happy and easy flow. It requires navigating the twists and turns of reality with grace and inner tranquillity.


DAY 5 - June 25 : The power of stillness in the constant movement of life

Experience how the practice of stillness can develop an authentic strength amidst the changing nature of life. Merge the observer and the observed for clarity, perspective, and rejuvenation.


DAY 6 - June 26 : Inner progress and outer actions

Enjoy the path of constant reformation, while inner progress and outer actions keep on nurturing each other. Personal growth fuels effective engagement in the world, and purposeful actions ignite the evolution of the Self.


DAY 7 - June 27 : Expression of life through subtleness

Explore the profoundness of life by aligning to the subtle qualities of consciousness. Embracing subtleness promotes harmony with the completeness of the creation.

It is possible to attend single sessions, one or several days the programmes, or the entire week.

Join this online Yoga week from different time zones.

Programma overview


Eligibility for the Online Yoga Week

All Yoga Gita’s programmes are designed from the background to evolve and flourish the true Self. The Online Yoga Week offers you a great opportunity to explore. No prerequisite in Yoga is required. The Online Yoga Week, or sessions in the week, can be attended by teenagers from the age of 12 onwards.


This online Yoga week will give you a rich experience in Yoga.The contemporised teachings are based on the philosophy of traditional Indian scriptures. All can be easily applied to practice on the yoga mat and experiences in day-to-day life.The holistic Yoga practices facilitate expansion beyond what you know and discovery of deeper understandings of life.


The Online Yoga Week happens from 21 to 27 June 2024. 

It is possible to attend single sessions, one or several day programmes, or the entire week.

Join this online Yoga week from different time zones.

Feel free to reach out to us for more details through info@yogagita.org / +91 9482300820.

Mode of Delivery : Online

Periodicity: Once a year.


Join single sessions, one or several day programmes or the entire Online Yoga Week. 

€ 8,- per session

€ 18,- per day

€ 105,- full program


For Indians, living in India, the fees are 

₹ 250/- per session

₹ 500/- per day

₹ 3100/- full program

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