Realizing the power of oneself brings a big transformation in one’s life. If you are born in this creation; you are chosen to express the power of this creation itself. Each and every individual is a mighty human being in their true essence but the lack of this power of self-realization makes oneself live in pain and suffering. Through this programme, the true potential of oneself is unfolded. You will be trained to open this true potentiality of yourself through powerful techniques.
In this 3 day residential programme, you will be exposed to an environment where you will be guided to construct or to find the true potential within you. You will be guided to practice a powerful kriya that will free you from any holdings and blockages as a result of which you will experience the free flow of your life energy. This will uplift the quality of life and health. Through this programme, you will understand how to express your true self in any situation in your life. It is a programme where you will be having the company of happy, smiling, rejoicing, celebrating other-selves and your own self. This transformative programme will open the doors for any venture in life. That venture can be spiritual or materialistic.
Timing : 5:30 - 6:00 Chanting, Echos of the Self
6:00 - 7:15 Posture practice, Aligning to existential harmony
7:30 - 8:15 Prana Pratishtana Kriya
9:30 - 10:30 Meditation, Evolving the Self
3:00 - 4:00 Interactive Self-reflection
4:00 - 4:15 Prana Pratishtana Kriya
7:30 - 8:30 Chidananda, celebration of the beingness
Food : 8:30 - 9:00 Soup
10:45 - 1:45 Brunch (Savic Food along with green salads)
2:15 - 2:45 Juice
4:45 - 5:45 Dinner (Savic Food along with green salads)
All Yoga Gita’s programmes are designed from the background to evolve and flourish the true Self.
We welcome anyone with an open mind to observe and enlighten oneself. No prerequisite or Yoga background is required. Swa Shakthi programme can be attended by teenagers from the age of 12 onwards.
The Swa Shakthi programme happens from 29 to 31 March 2024.
Feel free to reach out to us for details through / +91 9482300820.
Mode of Delivery : Offline Residential - 29, 30, 31 March 2024
Periodicity: Several times a year.
The fees for the Swa Shakthi programme start from ₹ 6,500 / 3 days for Indians and $ 125 / 3 days for Non-Indians based on a stay in the dormitory.
This includes the sattvic food: Two wholesome, vegetarian and healthy meals per day. Consisting of freshly made sattvic food with mainly vegetables and pulses from our organic garden. Breakfast is provided at 10:45 am, Juice at 2:15 pm, Dinner at 4:45 pm, 2 fruits per day.
Drinks : Nourishing soup is served in the morning and refreshing juice in the afternoon.
Accommodation 3 nights & 4 days accommodation on the premises of Yoga Gita Ashram. Check in: Thursday Afternoon Check-in (6:00 pm), Sunday afternoon check Out (3:00 pm).